Sunday, November 22, 2009


Orchard in Boston MA along with Collin from HV in NY helped set up this contest at the Boston Bay Side Expo.
Good amount of people showed up and ripped. The guys came all the way down from Talent, people from NY, Western Mass, NH. I would not have wanted to be a judge on this event.
It was a close call between everyone, the styles of skating varied between everyone too so much that it was hard to compare one against any one else.

Top Six were 6. Token 5. O'Connor 4. Jackson 3. Murphy 2. Greenwood 1. Mead

Hopefully Mark from EB Danvers will have some footy up on his blog showcasing some of the shredding.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Portsmouth NH

Chris Piatek

Chris has been repping longer than most of you skaterats have been alive! He can lace a shoe in under 30 seconds with his eyes closed!

Street Signs


We might not be the A-Team but we get shit done!

Smash the Swoosh

BLVD has some local art up by Nick Walker

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Matt Marek

Ripping in Sweden! Matt moved over there back at the end of summer and we miss him but he has been shredding and enjoying life over there. He took first at this contest and grabbed best trick as well.
Can not wait to see you back in the states!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Danny Tedesco

I know all of you skaters out there are not ready for the snow to fly but enjoy this nice weather while you can, its not going to last for long. Winter is on its way and Danny put this little edit together to get the ball rolling.


Orchard Skate Shop is helping out with the contest at the Bay Side Sale this week.
Get there and skate or show up and find a deal on something and watch the BMX and skating go down.

Pat Donfro

Pat sent this into me with out telling me who shot the pic, so sorry to the nameless photographer but great shot.
50/50 into the bank with love

Pat Donfro

Pat sent in this sick shot through the fence shot by Dan Z
this is last photo in the new Focus. 50-50 into the bank

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nolan Munroe

Nolan Munroe shredding the Noho Bowl is sick as shit! The song to me is wacky as hell
but Nolan has got some tranny skills!

Jerry Tucker

Jerry sent in some pics from Vermont, shredding the Ludlow park. Pretty soon they will be covered in snow!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

John Desimas

22 Tricks with John Desimas

Friday, November 13, 2009

Nate Jackson is Roger of the Month

Congrats to Nate Jackson for getting ROTM!
Check out the site and check out the footy

Nate Jackson - Roger of the Month - Nov 09 from Roger Skateboards on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Surf the Earth

Its getting to be that time of the year. The chill is in the air.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween to everyone!

A bunch of shops were lucky enough to get the size 66 shoe chuck full with candy just in time for Trick or Treaters!

Nate Jackson

Nate hitting up the ramp over at Junction with photos by Rob Collins
Look for Nate soon on RogerSkateboards website as the Roger of the Month!

If you have not seen or skated the new set up over at Junction, you should check it out!